• “Complete
  • No sweeteners, fillers, preservatives, colors or flavors. GMO Free.
  • Free of corn, wheat, dairy, yeast and gluten.
This product is not intended for the cure, treatment, prevention or mitigation of disease.

Autumn Radiance

  • • Adapts body to cooler Autumn temperatures
  • • Addresses common Autumn vegetation allergens
  • • Helps detoxify liver and regulates hormones

WILL BE RELEASED ON OR BEFORE 9/20/2024. Pre-order to reserve yours now!

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Get Proven Benefits

Each time the weather changes your physical demands change. Toning and warming foods and nutrients are needed as the weather gets cooler and the days grow shorter. Autumn Radiance is the ideal herbal food to prepare you for the challenges of the coming long, dark winter months. Generally, we don’t “catch” a cold or the flu if our immune responses are working at peak efficiency. The Seasonal Formulas give your body a fighting chance. Health confidence will grow from knowing your body has the cleansing and toning nutrients it needs to thrive!

  • Strengthens and tones organ systems
  • Cleanses and rebuilds liver and gallbladder
  • Improves respiratory health
  • Strengthens and tones immune system naturally

Real People & Real Results

  • circutone-herbal-supplement-testimonial-04.png
    "Before Autumn Radiance, I was on several daily prescriptions and a rescue inhaler. This formula has been a lifesaver for my sinus congestion/headaches and treats my chest heaviness/wheezing fast! I love knowing that I’m helping my body heal rather than just covering up the symptoms!" - Jen R., School Teacher
  • chlorella-dulse-herbal-supplement-testimonial-01.png
    "My sleep got better when I started taking Autumn Radiance; then I moved to Winter Radiance a couple of months later and I noticed more energy; I can’t wait to see what happens with the Spring Radiance!" - William M., Teacher of Esoteric Philosophy

Packed with Quality Ingredients

  • bupleurum-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Bupleurum Root (Bupleurum Chinensis)

    Bupleurum Root
    (Bupleurum Chinensis)

    • Regulation of liver and gallbladder functions
    • Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipyretic (reduces fever)
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Liver, Gallbladder, Pericardium and Triple Warmer

    Triple Warmer can be defined as the cooperative functioning of three bodily zones:

    • Upper warmer includes heart, throat, head, lungs and pericardium
    • Middle warmer comprises stomach, gallbladder and spleen
    • Lower warmer includes kidneys and bladder, liver, intestines, spleen and reproductive organs.

    A primary role of the Triple Warmer is to regulate the bodily fluids.

  • ophiopogon-japonicus-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Ophiopogon Root (Ophiopogonis Japonicus)

    Ophiopogon Root
    (Ophiopogonis Japonicus)

    • Moistens lungs, loosens mucus and tones the heart
    • Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Heart, Lungs and Kidneys
  • garlic-clove-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Garlic Bulb

    Garlic Bulb

    • Detoxifies circulatory systems and reduces swelling
    • Antiparasitic and antibacterial
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Lungs, Spleen, Stomach and Large Intestine
  • ligustrum-berry-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Ligustrum Berry (Nu Zhen Zi)

    Ligustrum Berry
    (Nu Zhen Zi)

    • Tones cardiovascular functions and nourishes the liver
    • Helps control dizziness and palpitations, and benefits hearing
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Liver and Kidneys
  • radix-angelicae-sinensis-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Tang Kuei Root (Angelica Sinensis)

    Tang Kuei Root
    (Angelica Sinensis)

    • Nourishes the blood and qi
    • Mildly sedative, pain-relieving and moistens intestines
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Spleen, Liver and Heart

    Qi (or chi) is the basic energy within all things; it is life force. In the body qi manifests as digestive power, reproductive energy, nerve force, organ strength and immune system power.

  • ginger-root-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Dried Ginger Root (Gan Jiang)

    Dried Ginger Root
    (Gan Jiang)

    • Warms the interior of the body, especially benefitting digestion and cardiovascular flow
    • Antispasmodic and expectorant; dissolves phlegm
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Stomach, Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys and Heart
  • dendrobium-orchids-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Dendrobium Stem (Shi Hu)

    Dendrobium Stem
    (Shi Hu)

    • Moistens lungs and replenishes fluids
    • Aids digestion; analgesic and anti-inflammatory
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Stomach, Lungs and Kidneys
  • lotus-seed-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Lotus Seed (Lian Zi)

    Lotus seed
    (Lian Zi)

    • Tones the spleen and kidneys and calms the heart
    • Stabilizes smooth muscle function, especially intestinal peristalsis; mildly sedative
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Spleen and Heart
  • schisandra-chinensi-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Schisandra Fruit (Wu Wei Zi)

    Schisandra Fruit
    (Wu Wei Zi)

    • Nourishes kidneys, tones the lungs and heart
    • Anti-diarrheal and may help urinary incontinence
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Lungs and Stomach
  • hawthorn-berry-herbal-supplement-ingredient-02.jpg
    Lycium Berry (Gou Qi Zi)

    Lycium Berry
    (Gou Qi Zi)

    • Blood tonic, and helps control blood sugar and cholesterol
    • Clears toxins from the liver, and nourishes kidneys and liver
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Liver and Kidneys
  • licorice-root-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Chinese Licorice Root (Gan Cao)

    Chinese Licorice Root
    (Gan Cao)

    • Supports spleen functions, nourishes qi, moistens lungs and mucus membranes, and harmonizes stomach function
    • Antihistaminic, anti-inflammatory and controls cough
    • Organ meridians most benefited are all twelve primary channels: Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Lungs, Large Intestine, Kidneys-Adrenals, Urinary Bladder, Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach and Spleen-Pancreas

    Qi (or chi) is the basic energy within all things; it is life force. In the body qi manifests as digestive power, reproductive energy, nerve force, organ strength and immune system power.

    Triple Warmer can be defined as the cooperative functioning of three bodily zones:

    • Upper warmer includes heart, throat, head, lungs and pericardium
    • Middle warmer comprises stomach, gallbladder and spleen
    • Lower warmer includes kidneys and bladder, liver, intestines, spleen and reproductive organs.

    A primary role of the Triple Warmer is to regulate the bodily fluids.

  • alfalfa-sprouts-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Alfalfa Juice Powder (Medicago Sativa)

    Alfalfa Juice Powder
    (Medicago Sativa)

    • A potent nutritive and cleansing herb
    • Supplies valuable trace minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes; a blood builder and urinary tract cleanser
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Bladder and Small Intestine
  • ligustrum-berry-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
    Bee Propolis (Apis Mellifica)

    Bee Propolis
    (Apis Mellifica)

    • Supports immune system and protects against pathogens
    • Antifungal, antibacterial and anti inflammatory
    • Organ meridians most benefited are Stomach and Liver

Radiant Ingredients

Every herb and nutrient in Autumn Radiance is stringently tested for heavy metals, harmful bacteria, molds and additives; after testing, we receive a separate Certificate of Analysis for every ingredient.  But we don’t stop there. After the individual ingredients in the formula are mixed, the entire mixture is tested again before capsuling. So only the finest, purest herbs and nutrients will pass our quality control.  Be assured that we will offer you only the highest quality herbal products, because we’re committed to helping you achieve your health goals. It’s the right thing to do-and it’s just good business! We hope you’ll agree.

Why it Works

As summer heat gives way to the cooler days of autumn we need restorative nutrients to build strength and stamina

Autumn Radiance builds deep and abiding internal power to help you neutralize seasonal allergens, resist “bugs” that can compromise your health and maintain body balance! Maintenance usage is two capsules daily; however, up to six capsules daily may be used for specific needs or to “jump-start” the expected benefits.

  • Reduces emotional and mental stresses
  • Builds strength and stamina
  • Builds qi (life force)
  • Initiates flexibility to adapt to changes in weather