• “Complete
  • No sweeteners, fillers, preservatives, colors or flavors. GMO Free.
  • Free of corn, wheat, dairy, yeast and gluten.
This product is not intended for the cure, treatment, prevention or mitigation of disease.


  • • Nourishes and Tones the Thyroid
  • • Increases Energy
  • • Harmonizes Hormones
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Get Proven Benefits

Why is ThyroTone the finest herbal formula for your thyroid? ThyroTone contains herbal nutrients needed by your body to make TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), T4 (Thyroxin) and T3 (Triiodothyronine). Herbal extracts and whole superfoods strengthen and energize your thyroid naturally. The adaptogenic and tonic herbs in ThyroTone support the body’s natural responses for healing and repair. Several herbs in ThyroTone are aqueous extracts—their beneficial compounds are readily absorbed and utilized for quicker results. Thyroid replacement drugs are NOT designed to help your thyroid work better.  They simply replace the hormones your thyroid is not making.

  • Promotes Vital Energy & Stamina
  • Assists with stress reduction & restful Sleep
  • Supports electrolyte mineral balance

*Please note: If your thyroid has been removed surgically, or inactivated by radiotherapy you must take thyroid medication as prescribed by your physician. When the thyroid is missing or unable to produce its hormones, ThyroTone is not a substitute for thyroid replacement medication.


Real People & Real Results

  • Summer Radiance Testimonial
    "I love ThyroTone--it’s my "happy pill". This product really improved my energy levels and my mood."- Pam M.

Packed with Quality Ingredients

    • bupleurum-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Dulse Seaweed (Palmaria Palmata)

      Dulse Seaweed
      (Palmaria Palmata)

      • Nourishes glandular system; normalizes triple warmer** functions; promotes digestion
      • Reduces goiter, increases energy, supports electrolyte balance
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Stomach, Large Intestine and Lungs
    • ophiopogon-japonicus-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Wakame Seaweed (Undaria Pinnatifida)

      Wakame Seaweed
      (Undaria Pinnatifida)

      • Tones glandular system; cleanses urinary tract; harmonizes hormones
      • Neutralizes toxins, dissolves phlegm and thickened masses
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Urinary Bladder, Stomach and Liver
    • garlic-clove-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera)

      (Withania Somnifera)

      • Promotes vital energy and stamina
      • General adaptogen: assists with stress reduction, restful sleep and calming of the mind
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Liver and Heart
    • ligustrum-berry-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Bee Propolis (Apis Mellifica)

      Bee Propolis
      (Apis Mellifica)

      • Supports immune system and protects against pathogens
      • Antifungal, antibacterial and anti inflammatory
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Stomach and Liver
    • radix-angelicae-sinensis-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Royal Jelly (from bees, freeze dried)

      Royal Jelly
      (from bees, freeze dried)

      • Energizes; activates and balances hormonal systems; builds immunity
      • Nutritive, antibacterial, anti inflammatory
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys and Triple Warmer**

      Triple Warmer can be defined as the cooperative functioning of three bodily zones:

      • Upper warmer includes heart, throat, head, lungs and pericardium
      • Middle warmer comprises stomach, gallbladder and spleen
      • Lower warmer includes kidneys and bladder, liver, intestines, spleen and reproductive organs.

      A primary role of the Triple Warmer is to regulate the bodily fluids.

    • ginger-root-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Rehmannia Root (Rehmannia Praeparata)

      Rehmannia Root
      (Rehmannia Praeparata)

      • Blood tonic, nourishes qi*(see explanation), tones reproductive system
      • Helps control blood pressure and blood sugar, diuretic, strengthens lower extremities
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Heart and Liver
    • dendrobium-orchids-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Dioscorea (Shan Yao)

      (Shan Yao)

      • Tones lung and spleen qi* , and nourishes kidneys and lungs
      • Soothes tissues; promotes assimilation; resolves chronic cough and breathing problems
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys and Stomach

      Qi (or chi) is the basic energy within all things; it is life force. In the body qi manifests as digestive power, reproductive energy, nerve force, organ strength and immune system power.

    • lotus-seed-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Shen Chu (Shen Qu)

      Shen Chu
      (Shen Qu)

      • Warming; assists in producing the beneficial flora so necessary for the digestive tract
      • Ensures absorption and utilization of the herbal formula
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Spleen and Stomach
    • schisandra-chinensi-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Lycium Fruit (Gou Qi Zi)

      Lycium Fruit
      (Gou Qi Zi)

      • Nourishes and cleanses liver; strengthens lower back and knees; beneficial for impotence
      • Can lower blood sugar and cholesterol; blood tonic; neutralizes toxins in liver
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Kidneys, Lungs and Liver
    • hawthorn-berry-herbal-supplement-ingredient-02.jpg
      Cinnamon Bark (Gui Pi)

      Cinnamon Bark
      (Gui Pi)

      • Warms the interior and harmonizes heat distribution, tones blood vessels
      • Stimulates circulation and digestion, antifungal
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Spleen, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Bladder
    • licorice-root-herbal-supplement-ingredient.jpg
      Cyathula Root (Chuan Niu Xi)

      Cyathula Root
      (Chuan Niu Xi)

      • Activates stagnated blood, thereby reducing pain and inflammation, especially in the upper body; improves circulation; clears toxins from lower warmer(see triple warmer**)
      • Anti inflammatory; mildly diuretic; analgesic; antispasmodic
      • Organ meridians most benefited are Liver and Kidneys

      Qi (or chi) is the basic energy within all things; it is life force. In the body qi manifests as digestive power, reproductive energy, nerve force, organ strength and immune system power.

      Triple Warmer can be defined as the cooperative functioning of three bodily zones:

      • Upper warmer includes heart, throat, head, lungs and pericardium
      • Middle warmer comprises stomach, gallbladder and spleen
      • Lower warmer includes kidneys and bladder, liver, intestines, spleen and reproductive organs.

      A primary role of the Triple Warmer is to regulate the bodily fluids.

Radiant Ingredients

Every herb and nutrient in ThyroTone is stringently tested for heavy metals, harmful bacteria, molds and additives; after testing, we receive a separate Certificate of Analysis for every ingredient. But we don’t stop there. After the individual ingredients in the formula are mixed, the entire mixture is tested again before capsuling. So only the finest, purest herbs and nutrients will pass our quality control. Be assured that we will offer you only the highest quality herbal products, because we’re committed to helping you achieve your health goals. It’s the right thing to do-and it’s just good business! We hope you’ll agree.

Why it Works

Why is ThyroTone the finest herbal formula for your thyroid?


      • Contains all the herbal nutrients needed by your body to make the primary thyroid hormones TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), T4 (Thyroxin) and T3 (Triiodothyronine)
      • Herbal extracts and whole superfoods strengthen and energize your thyroid, while supporting natural responses for healing and repair.
      • Aqueous extracts and nutrient-dense herbs are precisely measured and mixed without ever using heat or chemicals, resulting in highly efficient absorption and utilization.
      • The powerful, synergistic blend gives your thyroid the nutrition it needs-- correcting and maintaining it's absolutely vital and necessary function.

NOTE: Thyroid replacement drugs are NOT designed to help your thyroid work better. They simply replace the hormones your thyroid is not making.
