We will not compromise quality! In fact, we have occasionally listed a formula out-of-stock when an ingredient won't pass our quality and safety standards. We make every effort to have what you need when you want it, but we won’t accept less than the best!
Most of our ingredients are sourced in North America; however, some items may originate from other areas of the world, especially when the quality and availability is prohibitive. Regardless of origin, we obtain a certificate of analysis from independent testing laboratories for every herb and superfood in our formulas.
Several of the herbs we use are processed into aqueous extracts. A measured amount of an herb is simmered in purified water until ¼ of the water volume remains, leaving an extremely concentrated herbal tea. This liquid is strained to remove indigestible fiber, and then spray-dried to remove the water from the herbal constituents. The resulting dry tea granules are many times more potent than the original herb, and highly absorbable. Another benefit: the potential for an allergic reaction to the herb is greatly reduced through the aqueous extraction process.