Pain and Inflammation: What Really Works?

Oh, my achin’ back! My joints are killing me! I’ve got a splitting headache!
We hear these exclamations all the time—you may even be saying them! It seems as though everybody has pain, from exercise-related muscle soreness to the intense pain associated with chronic or degenerative diseases.
Let’s take a look at the most common cause of pain: inflammation! Tissues, muscles, skeletal structures and even organs can become red and sore when environmental toxins and acidic bodily wastes accumulate. Because of these irritants, your body sends water to the site to “put out the fire”; this can lead to swelling and pressure. As inflammation gets worse, more water accumulates. The body will hold the water as long as the acids & toxins are present. The resulting pain is a signal that your body needs help neutralizing and eliminating the cause of the irritation.
Pain is a signal that something is wrong, much like the oil light on your car’s dashboard. If the light indicates you’re nearly out of oil, you don’t cover it with a piece of black electrical tape and continue driving! Ignoring or numbing the pain isn’t dealing with the real issue.
Inflammation-reducing Meals
What you eat can also cause inflammation. A diet loaded with sugar, excessive meat, processed foods & snacks and artificial (non-food) ingredients can leave residues of acidic wastes and pollutants. Wherever these offenders settle in your body, health status worsens. But a diet with a high percentage of fresh vegetables & fruits, whole grains, beans, seeds & nuts can steadily reduce and eliminate the problem. (See “I’m a Human—How Should I Eat?”
In the cuisine of many cultures, herbs & spices are used to add flavor, texture and color to food. These same herbs & spices often have profound health-promoting qualities.
Safely Managing Pain
There are many herbal formulas designed for inflammation & pain—but the big question is: do they work?
Enter turmeric root and curcumin!
The spice turmeric, which gives curry its customary yellow-orange color, has been used for thousands of years to flavor food, reduce pain & inflammation, support intestinal well-being, protect the liver and a plethora of other health benefits. Turmeric is a time-tested herbal food backed by hundreds of well-documented studies worldwide.
Curcumin is the primary anti-oxidant component in turmeric.
A natural compound that activates the curcumin is piperine, found in both black and white pepper. The enzyme bromelain from pineapple has also been studied for its anti-inflammatory and protein-digesting properties, and is a valuable ingredient in turmeric-curcumin supplements.
The following natural, whole herbs support our body’s ability to address the causes of pain and inflammation,
rather than just covering the symptoms:
- bupleurum root (bupleurum chinense);
- frankincense resin (boswellia carteril);
- corydalis root (corydalis solida);
- fo-ti root (polygonum multiflorum);
- and of course, black pepper, bromelain, curcumin extract & turmeric.
So…we can be mindful of what pain is telling us:
Changes need to be made to achieve radiant health; less pain & inflammation is a great pay-off!
Unique among turmeric formulas, Living Radiance Turmeric Complex
is the safest, most effective turmeric-curcumin formula available anywhere!
Click here for more on Living Radiance's Turmeric Complex and the ingredients listed above